"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

Enterprise Key Management

A key management system (KMS), also known as a cryptographic key management system (CKMS), is an integrated approach for generating, distributing and managing cryptographic keys for devices and applications. They may cover all aspects of security – from the secure generation of keys over the secure exchange of keys up to secure key handling and storage on the client. Thus, a key management system (KMS) includes the backend functionality for key generation, distribution, and replacement as well as the client functionality for injecting keys, storing and managing keys on devices.
key management system


With Adweb Technologies, organizations can efficiently, centrally, and securely manage cryptographic keys and policies—across the key management lifecycle and throughout the enterprise. Our solutions can manage keys across heterogeneous encryption platforms, offering support for the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) standard as well as proprietary interfaces. Now, security teams can uniformly view, control, and administer cryptographic policies and keys for all their sensitive data—whether it resides in the cloud, in storage, in databases, or virtually anywhere else.


key management system


Boost security: Customers can store and manage keys in central, hardened appliances, and gain the visibility and control they need to consistently and effectively enforce security controls.

Ensure data availability: Through secure key storage, high availability, and scalability, SafeNet solutions help organizations ensure keys are always available – so data is always available.

Streamline administration: Administrators can centrally manage keys and policies with more speed, ease, and efficiency.

Sustain compliance: The centralized platform enables the customer to ensure and demonstrate compliance with stringent security policies and compliance mandates.

Now, security teams can uniformly view, control, and administer cryptographic policies and keys for all their sensitive data—whether it resides in the cloud, in storage, in databases, or virtually anywhere else.

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