"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

What is Rootkit and How to Prevent yourself from such Malware.

What is Rootkit and How to Prevent yourself from such Malware.

Rootkit has been around for nearly 20 years now, allowing hackers/attackers to get access to user machines and steal data without being detected for long periods of time. In the recent month, a malicious campaign had been identified where a Chinese hacker dropped Rootkit in 50,000 servers (containing Windows MS-SQL and PhpMyAdmin server around the […]

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Phishing and Spoofing – Your Guide to Protect Against Them

The latest Phishing and Spoofing scam took away far more than just PayPal login credentials. Understand the Phishing and Spoofing to secure yourself and your organization from such scams. Also, know how the latest PayPal phishing attack took place. ‘Phishing’ is an attempt by fraudsters to ‘fish’ for your personal/financial / investment details via email. […]

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DoH – Understand DNS over HTTPS & Its Future

Major Web browsers like Microsoft, Google and Mozilla are increasingly pushing for DNS over HTTPS (DoH). This technology improves the online privacy and security. What is DNS over HTTPS (DoH) Basically, DNS over HTTPS is an extra layer over DNS for privacy and security. Presently we find that some of the modern web browsers are […]

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