"We Mean Secure E-Business since 1998"

Phishing and Spoofing – Your Guide to Protect Against Them

Phishing and Spoofing – Your Guide to Protect Against Them

‘Phishing’ is an attempt by fraudsters to ‘fish’ for your personal / financial / investment details via email. ‘Phishing’ attempts usually appear in the form of an email appearing to be from the very known company to gain readers trust. Within the email you are then usually encouraged to click a link to a fraudulent […]

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HTTPS for website is the ideal way to serve your requirement. HTTP is the now 20-year-old protocol on which the world wide web was built. HTTP stands for “hypertext transfer protocol” and offers a method of data communication for the Internet. The problem with HTTP connections is that they are unsecured. This means that any […]

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Steps to Prevent Ransomware Attack

To prevent Ransomware attack,Cyber-criminals recently nicked thousands of computers across hundreds of countries demanding Bitcoins in exchange. Such was the attack that it left patients across England waiting for healthcare, and disrupted public utilities in Spain. Ransomware is a malicious software, often transmitted by email or web pop-ups, that hijacks a computer and demands a […]

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